December 5, 2018 - Paschalis Kratsios, University of Chicago "Gene regulatory mechanisms of motor neuron terminal differentiation: lessons from C. elegans and mice” (Hosted by Marcelo Nobrega)
February 6, 2019 - Priya Moorjani, University of California Berkeley "Molecular clocks of human Evolution" (Student Invited Speaker - Hosted by Arjun Biddanda)
February 20, 2019 - Richard Behringer, MD Anderson Cancer Center "Genetic Regulation of vertebrate sex development (Postdoc Invited Speaker - Hosted by Mirna Marinic)
March 6, 2019 - Benjamin Voight, University of Pennsylvania - Perlman School of Medicine "A nifty time for computation in human genomics" (Hosted by Carole Ober)
March 20, 2019 - Eimear Kenny, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai "Human history and helath through the lens of genetics: (Hosted by Carole Ober)
May 1, 2019 - Jonathan Pritchard, Stanford University "The omnigenic architecture of human complex traits" (Hosted by Matthew Stephens)
May 22, 2019 - Hilary Finucane, Broad Institute "GWAS gene prioritizataion using local and polygenic signals" (Hosted by Xin He)